Comments on: Finally Its All Coming Together HIV Update The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Mon, 26 Aug 2013 02:58:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: mharris127 Mon, 26 Aug 2013 02:58:17 +0000 In reply to RiccoMarin.

Ricco, I suspect they pay the bigger names more as they are the ones that draw in customers for the scene. Jennifer (because she took 36 dicks up her ass), Brandon and Anthony were likely paid a lot more than $150. If Wesley Pipes does scenes like this he would also likely be paid more. If they don’t have a name draw for a scene like this the producers will likely lose money on the scene as 36 man gangbangs cost big bucks to produce (even at $150 per guy the male talent cost comes out to $5400 plus probably $2500 for Jennifer and production costs of at least $5000). The big names are what draws customers at $40 a pop. I would estimate the actual male talent cost is somewhere around $10K (with Anthony, Brandon and other big names making $800 or so each, maybe more for Brandon) paying the bigger names more but that extra $5K investment will probably bring in $15K in sales.

By: Nick East Fri, 23 Aug 2013 21:10:43 +0000 Seriously, Brandon Iron!!! What were you thinking? Please enlighten us all as to how you figured you could get away with working with an obvious problem (molluscum) and not be stopped? How the eff did you rationalize going to work that day???? Please tell us all the thought process that made you think it was okay to do that in the first place???? We need to know why people like you and marcus feel it’s all right to show up on set with an infection! and don’t tell me or anyone else you weren’t aware of something being wrong with you!

By: elleheartsgirls Fri, 23 Aug 2013 18:47:32 +0000 @iknowhy @nazzylove I’m pretty sure that is the least of the issues
shit porn gossip who knows . Speculation

By: Nick East Fri, 23 Aug 2013 18:13:01 +0000 In reply to Brandon Iron.

Okay, Brandon. Help me out here, k? Ya wake up and notice that your penis looks like a glazed donut… Still with me? I know this is involved… Okay,so you have a glazed penis (molluscum) and you have a porn shoot today!????? ,,,,, What do you do?
Answer…!!!??? You go to do the shoot anyway!!!
Question:!!!???? Where is your respect for your fellow performer, asshole?
Answer:!??? YOU HAVE NONE!!!

By: RiccoMarin Fri, 23 Aug 2013 18:09:22 +0000 I wouldn’t be surpise if you don’t see more ATTORNEY’S and
Law Firms posting on this Forum ! Come to Me……

By: RiccoMarin Fri, 23 Aug 2013 18:08:06 +0000 @mdxxx and anybody else, Is the Industry that BAD that you have
to have all these guys like Anthony Rosano and Marcus London and
Wolf”downmycock” . Wesley Pipes, Brandon Iron and every other established name if the Industry performing for a shitty $150 bucks or less? Now with the possibities of Exposure among them all and some of them can’t afford to test?? WTF…Smoked it up , huh??

Devil Films and FuckingStupidClowns and others need to get something together to test these Mopes and find out whats going on.
I Know one Brother who is already talking to a Attorney about being exposed to possibilities of Syphillis, Hepatitis, and HIV all on the Eve of the Federal decision in Downtown LA against Vivid and the Industry about condoms being used to LA city Limits and County.

He better get his before all these Vulcher’s come running to and sayin’
pay up Mother fuckers..(jim powers, Devil Films, FSC as defendants by the way…..

By: Nick East Fri, 23 Aug 2013 18:06:46 +0000 In reply to Brandon Iron.

Oh! You APOLOGIZED!!! See folks! Ya get caught trying to pass a disease on to your fellow performers, and if you SIMPLY apologize ALL SHOULD BE WELL!!! And Billy? I am not stuck in the past, I am trying to stop performers from spreading diseases to the general public and Brandon Iron had ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEM with going on a porn set with a glazed penis!!!! Why would Brandon Iron stop showing up to sets with diseases? How did that change? He was willing to do it fifteen years ago, so why wouldn’t he do the same thing now? Heck, if he apologizes for being caught all should be well, right? See everybody, that is how modern performers think!!!! Brandon Iron went on set with a glazed penis and thought it would be okay!!!!! How has that changed?

By: RiccoMarin Fri, 23 Aug 2013 17:59:33 +0000 @ Billy Are you kidding? For 1500 what Male/pornstar escorts from OCM charges? $ 1500 is a lot of Lot lizzard pussy and seriously I wouldn’t fuck with both. Now maybe one of the B girls in the industry but I would have to drink and get fucked up to handle that.

I am married.

By: jilted Fri, 23 Aug 2013 16:36:59 +0000 Every person in the pool of porn performers is at the same risk level as the riskiest person in the pool. Thanks to circus stunts like this, complete with all the circus animals, EVERYONE in the industry is now at this level of risk. The degrees of seperation are too small in this industry to think that you can be at a lower risk than anybody else.

If you worked with anybody on this set, or worked with anbody who worked with anybody on this set, you are at the same risk level as Jennifer White. Jennifer White is now the ‘standard’ on which all risk must be evaluated.

By: Billy Fri, 23 Aug 2013 14:06:02 +0000 In reply to RiccoMarin.

WTF are you talking about Ricco? Did you hire Xander to blow you?
