Comments on: Female filming content despite being HIV+ another Jaxton Wheeler sad chapter Again! The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sat, 08 Jul 2023 11:49:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: No Name Wed, 24 Feb 2021 22:08:16 +0000 Ya’ll need to start naming names. Find out the name of every person she’s done content list and start a long ban list. This shit ain’t right.

By: mharris127 Wed, 17 Feb 2021 22:24:20 +0000 I had to think about this article a bit before commenting. I feel that if you have HIV (even undetectable) that you should legally and morally only be allowed to have penetrative or oral sexual activity with other HIV positive people — period! Any performer known to have had oral or penetrative sex with an HIV positive person while HIV negative should be suspended from the industry for six months and have to prove he is still HIV negative to re-enter the adult film industry as a performer. As for Jaxton Wheeler, he is the person primarily responsible for August Ames’ suicide so he should be banned from the industry permanently and his fucking HIV positive people should add to the reason to ban him. Jaxton Wheeler is the biggest asshole this industry has ever had — ranking just above Mr. Marcus passing out syphilis like it was dinner mints. I can almost guarantee that Jaxton is HIV positive now fucking that girl the number of times he has — even if he used a condom every time! I hope Jaxton treats her well and that they find HIV positive love together assuming he isn’t the same jackoff to her that he is to the rest of this industry.

Regarding Lynsey, I am sorry that she is HIV positive and fucked for life as a result. However, you cannot have HIV and perform in this industry. It just isn’t safe.

By: Kelan Lazlo Mon, 15 Feb 2021 23:55:20 +0000 This chick is exactly why the industry needs a ban list.

By: billyboy Sat, 13 Feb 2021 16:12:56 +0000 This past Super bowl Event of theirs could be a train wreck and shit show. No offense to train wrecks and shit .
