Comments on: Euro HIV Update from Brill Babes in Budapest The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Mon, 10 Jul 2023 13:02:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Karmafan Fri, 01 Mar 2019 13:36:31 +0000 Not to mention photos that show numbing agents to be applied to girls asses so they can take 3 cocks in the same hole. Then when the numbing wears off the poor girl can’t sit down for a week.

By: Mr Horse Kak Fri, 01 Mar 2019 03:41:16 +0000 That statement is just fucked up. Sorry but saying it this way is still being kind to this European Talent agency. Sounds like a desperate call for calm

If anyone thinks this is the first HIV grim reaper case well guess again. Since there were no real testing going on for so long we dont know its a first. Its Happened before and it just went unnoticed. Only a first shut down in Europe that’s all.
Old Europe and old is a week ago. Europe never even had a testing protocol, hell Legal Porno never even required testing not too long ago. Only now took it seriously because the whole world is watching and this cant be spin doctored or swept under a rug.
Legal Porno is a diabolical fucktard and this talent agent is a wack job.
Used syringes on the set floors and mega syphilis is not new news?

Out of bad something now comes good.
European companies have already hired American production in Los Angeles and Las Vegas to shoot for European companies days after this shut down.

Guess that is good

By: Bigboutya Thu, 28 Feb 2019 01:36:09 +0000 “Something positive always comes out of something negative?”
