Comments on: AIM Expands Quarantine List Rumors Run Wild The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Thu, 14 Oct 2010 06:12:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: wctbforreal Thu, 14 Oct 2010 06:12:39 +0000 As in the past, AIM removes the names and information of patient zero and any quarantined performers.
Jenner and Billy Glide are no longer in the database.

By: MikeSouth Thu, 14 Oct 2010 05:39:57 +0000 There ARE legal means for transference of rights. I maintain that this is something AIM should have done a long time ago, avoiding this clusterfuck.

By: milton Thu, 14 Oct 2010 05:19:23 +0000 It is Dr. Colin Hamblins’s legal responsibility to iform the possibly exposed individuals

Did anyof you here even know that AIM(dr, hamblin) is not even legally allowed, nor is any ohter doctor,,to tell the exosed idndividuals who the person was that exposed them?

And here we have all these experts on what AIM shoud and should not do.

FACT====AIM follows the letter of the law PERFECTLY. They have never been cited by any county, state, or federal agency for any violation, and they are subjected to the same, and sometimes higher level of scrutiny than every ohter medical faciltity in California.

Every single time AIM has been bought to court AIM has won,,,,except for the single incedent that was reached out of court with Darren James.

By: milton Thu, 14 Oct 2010 03:56:13 +0000 B&B Did you knwo that AIM has about 5 full time employees, who mostly draw blood, answer phones, and do routine clinical work,,,who st AIM tracks all of these shoots,,,,,,the very idea that you are putting forward here is beyond ridiculous.

By: milton Thu, 14 Oct 2010 03:54:06 +0000 B&B A performer comes into AIM and gets their blood drawn. Then theywalk out the door and dont come back until next month.

So tell us B&B how does AIM get this information about who is working with whom, and for what company?
HINT…the database does not track who logs in,,,,,maybe if you had a computer forensic expert get into their system youcould figure it out,,,but there is no tracking of any kind.

So how does AIM know this B&B,,PLEASE tell us how they do it>

By: milton Thu, 14 Oct 2010 03:49:57 +0000 Black and blue,,,,,completely FALSE

yes producer call AIM toget results,,,,,AIMeither faxes the results or verbally verifies them,,,then hangs up the phone. They get about 100 calls a day for this,,,,,they dont write down or keep any records whatsoever as to whom the send the results,,

It is post exactly like this,,,,from people who have no clue at all as to the procedures and policies at AIM, that fuel the ignorance and rumors. Same as Mike here,,,on one hand he seems ot belittle the rumor mongers,,,but he himself prints those very same rumors.

BLACK A B SAYS,,,,the databse logs accoutns tant acces the performer test results….this statemnt is 100% false.

Yes. people call AIM and AIM asks who is calling,,but NO record of those call is kept.
THere is no record of any kind at AIM of what company anybody works for. PERIOD. END OF CONVERSATION.

BLACK AND B,,,,,Please stop makeing these false statemnets that do nothing more than fan the flames of ignorance.

By: BlackAndBlueMedia Wed, 13 Oct 2010 21:56:00 +0000 I have to respectfully disagree that AIM has NO idea who is shooting with what production company. Most producers call AIM to check on a performer’s test status at least 24 hours before a shoot, OR they access the AIM database. AIM asks who the production company is and when the shoot is when you call in to check, and the database logs accounts that access the performer test results, so there is record of who is checking on whom.

By: milton Wed, 13 Oct 2010 19:10:02 +0000 Jut becuase YOU dont know whats going on. or how tings are being handled, doesnt mean that they arent being handled.

The only thing AIM has ever been “cited” for is releasing names in 2004…..They have NEVER EVER been cited by any county, state, or federal agency of any knind for any violation.

And in 2004 it was a private suit by daren James that they lost,,,,even when they published the names in 2004 the authorities turned a blind eye.

And EVERY SINGLE time AIM has gone to court withthe AHF suites ect. AIM has WON every single time. ANd they have been inspected by county, state, and federal agencies, and EVERY SINGL TIME they have NEVER been issued a citation.

These are just sim;y FACTS,,,but facts dont seem to mean much when the agenda is to destry.

Regarding how long they ‘go bakc’ to make the q-list,,,NOBODY in the porn industry ‘blogosphere’ has any clue how many ‘exposed’ individuals have been contacted…NOBODY!!!

By: milton Wed, 13 Oct 2010 18:58:47 +0000 In 2004 AIM released all the names,,,,to make a long story short,,they got sued, and lost. Although testing is neede, nobody argues that, the simple fact is that for years AIM was violating several laws,,,but California authorities just turned a blind eye.

But then after they published that entire q-list in 2004 everything changed.”

AIM now folows every sing applicalble law in California. They do EVERYTHING theya re required to do,,,,and to do anything different now would force authorities to step in and close their doors.

The industry was spoiled for so many years when AIM was sidestepppking privacy laws,,,,,now that they dont violate those laws everyone jumps on them.

AIM detractors, like MIKE here, love to have it both ways. Theycriicise AIM for breaing the law, but then turn around and demand that they do the same thing again.

It is the resposibilityof thereferring py=hysician, DR> HAMBLIN, to interview, identify,and iform all of the people that had an at risk exposure with the HIV positive person,,,,this is different from other stds,,where it is the COUNTIES resposnibility todo this,,,UNLESS, the referring physician does it for them,,whichis what AIM does,,and it is 100% legal.

AIM is merely the messanger,,,,,,this a an INDUSTRY problem,,, AIM is there to cleanup the mess that this industry creates,,,,,,This industry was around long before AIM,,,,AIM was created to clean up the mess,,,,,dont blame the maid for the mes that the boss makes.

ps..AIM keeps no record of who shoots with whom…..And as far as relying on the indu=ividual to be honest,,,,of course thats how it is,,,,

By: Toby Wed, 13 Oct 2010 18:50:52 +0000 Each time this HIV/STD issue hits the media, be it about a positive test, mandatory condom use, or whatever, there seems to be a couple of issues these stories either are ignoring completely or glazing over. It’s been brought up in some of the discussions I’ve read, but not at all by any media, adult or mainstream.

1. Many performers don’t work exclusively in Porn Valley or exclusively in the US for that matter.
2. Most aren’t celibate when they’re off the set, and many have multiple partners off camera.

Lets hope all the non-industry peeps that are 1st and 2nd generation exposures have also been contacted.
