Comments on: Over the Rainbow Revisited Chapter II: Transformation The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Tue, 11 Jul 2023 08:11:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: leeloo Tue, 30 Jun 2015 22:18:35 +0000 This is the cover story of the latest issue of News Week magazine: How Corporate America Propelled Same-Sex Marriage: When News Week writes about the economical and political forces behind the LGBT movement, it’s “journalism”, when Michael payne writes about the same topic, it’s “hate speech”. Why is that?

By: LurkingReader Mon, 29 Jun 2015 14:57:19 +0000 In reply to bobloblaw.


Yes let’s have some perspective.
First ..I’m not arguing that everyone is trying to get posts taken down.
Second…big deal is the fact that some persist in the knee-jerk reaction to limit or contain Payne’s opinion since his initial post a year ago.
Third….I cited DOJ to emphasize the wisdom of ‘be careful of what you ask for because you may get it’
Fourth…DOJ forcing a baker to to ignore their beliefs this case to compel speech what’s to stop DOJ, FCC or some other government alphabet soup from compelling gay sites to not only post but pay homage to the Pope’s reaction to SCOTUS civil union ruling?
Fifth…The DOJ plaintiffs prevailed despite the availability of other bakers, florists and photographers.
Sixth…feel free to persist in insisting it’s okay to boot offensive posts from because Payne can post on his own site.
Last … Thanks for trying but you couldn’t argue your way out of a paper bag

By: LurkingReader Mon, 29 Jun 2015 13:37:51 +0000 In reply to CPanzram.


Competing opinions are condusive to facilitating discussion in defense of your position. Placing competing opinions in a counterpoint effectively is like feeding readers an entrée that renders the orginial fare offered to a best forgotten appetizer. In other words support your cause as if it were football ….the best defense is an offense.

Payne’s posts have put numerous issues on the table as food for thought. I know I’m not alone in choosing to explore and discuss the fare elsewhere rather than risk being steamrolled by the defensive team. The comments on Payne’s posts validate this claim. June 12th, 2014 a tunnel vision defense steamrolled numerous commenters as if they were the offensive team players vs fans discussing the game. The absence of neutral or novice commenters on this post amounts to two teams playing to an empty stadium. The fact that this isn’t a game to anyone involved doesn’t diminish the value of field sportsmanship and respecting fans in the stadium.

By: bobloblaw Mon, 29 Jun 2015 10:27:33 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

So it seems like you are arguing everyone is trying to get posts taken down and it’s some big deal and then you have to go back to a post a year ago to try to demonstrate that. Those ideas are at least slightly at odds. You cited DOJ as to analogize a situation of people expressing displeasure with a small blog site post. That’s some serious logical jumping. This guy writes opinion as if fact and is just bad at making his points and wrong in many places. As such I comment what a shitty post it is. Nothing beyond that and doubt anyone else has gone beyond that. This is a blog site, let’s have some perspective.

By: CPanzram Mon, 29 Jun 2015 05:36:38 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.


Oh, I agree with you. Mike letting Payne post this is a good thing so everyone can see what bigot and self-righteous tool that he is.

However, what good does posting a counter-article do? It is opinion against opinion and when it comes to what the majority in America are pulling for he is in the minority. No one really cares if one is gay or transgendered anymore because it doesn’t matter.

For anyone who saved their time and didn’t read Payne’s postings it can easily be summed up with this:

I did my good deed by stopping others from wasting their time.

By: LurkingReader Mon, 29 Jun 2015 05:10:16 +0000 In reply to bobloblaw.


Go back and read the comments on Payne’s previous articles especially June 12, 2014. I revisited my comments and hold my head high tonight and have no fear of revisiting my words in 20 years. I wonder if you can say the same after a 30 minute consult with a First Amendment attorney to review your response to my comment.

“You’ve essentially confused ‘ability to express an opinion’ with ‘given a platform to express the opinion to a larger platform’. As visitors (patrons) of the site we get to voice displeasure with posts. That is not an elimination of the ideas or thoughts of this weirdo writing them”

nice try ….but your oars aren’t keeping your argument boat afloat. Not only am I not confused I have no need to resort to bullshit like conflating Payne’s ability to express his opinion on his site with the LGBT campaign to remove the larger platform “given” to him.

I have no issue with voicing displeasure with his posts…nor ripping Payne a new asshole in a heated acrimonious debate of the issues he placed on the table….my problem is claiming he has less right to post where you choose not to.

Try and wrap your head around any and every win by groups seeking to minimize or limit others speech is a bigger threat than allowing expression of the offensive speech.

I’ll clarify…The fine citizens of Polk County Florida voiced their displeasure with porn by electing a Sheriff who’d do their bidding. They aren’t trying to eliminate porn they just voiced their displeasure with its presence in their backyard.

Recent DOJ rulings against Bakers, Florists and photographers aren’t LGBT wins..they’re the stepping stones to allowing Federal, state and municipal governments to compel you to marching to their tune. Three parents band together claiming minority status becuase their five year old boys were abused ….see the threat yet?

BTW my comments going back years support my belief that the Supreme Court got it right when they removed limitations to civil marriages. Maybe now you see the danger of suppression via limits

By: bobloblaw Mon, 29 Jun 2015 02:25:23 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

? That’s a change? I thought you’d been riding South’s dick for the life of this site. This has zero to do with the First Amendment, no government intervention to anyone’s speech has been proposed. This is a owned site and people saying ‘this post sucks’, ‘don’t post this shit’ is not a free speech violation. In fact it’s literally the same freedom of speech. What does not posting a counterpoint article have to do with anything? I think most of what Rush Limbaugh says is junk and wish he didn’t have a platform. That stance is not less valid based on my unwillingness to write something every time he says dumb shit. These dumb shit posts aren’t like ruining my life or eating away at me, they’re just dumb shit. Thus I just call them dumb shit and say “stop posting this shit” and move on. Writing a counterpoint article with the guy who runs or some stupid thing would be a waste of my time lol. If Mike wants to keep letting him post then he will, it will be a fun bit for the archive when we study dumb internet opinions in 20 years lol.

You’ve essentially confused ‘ability to express an opinion’ with ‘given a platform to express the opinion to a larger platform’. As visitors (patrons) of the site we get to voice displeasure with posts. That is not an elimination of the ideas or thoughts of this weirdo writing them.

By: LurkingReader Sun, 28 Jun 2015 21:07:04 +0000 Unfuckingbelievable how zealots who refuse to post a counterpoint article are still insisting Payne’s offensive words and ideas ought to be suppressed and never see the light of day on this site.

Even more ironic is ongoing claims of minority group persecution as justification to bury anything perceived as anti-LGBT into the deepest darkest recess of a remote closet to protect society from the hatred LGBT fear Payne’s post will provoke.

The fact that Government censorship is unconstitutional doesn’t render these acrimonious attacks harmless free speech. Donning the cloak of oppressed minority group cant justify committing the very offenses claimed as validating status as a victimized minority group. Any and every successful campaign to thwart, quash or prevent offensive speech is a bigger threat to the victors than the expression of that offensive speech.

Mike South refusal to acquiesce to ongoing efforts to convince him to stop posting words and ideas offending the moral/political beliefs of the LGBT community is the only good thing to come out of this. For what it’s worth refusing to cede to the censor campaign earns South my admiration as a defender of the First Amendment.

By: MichaelPayne Sun, 28 Jun 2015 05:13:10 +0000 @LeeLoo

Thank you for your support. You’re right, we’re living in a Brave New World, but as long as there are vigilant people like you, there will be hope.

By: MichaelPayne Sun, 28 Jun 2015 05:02:15 +0000 @Ms. Panz,

Here is one more for the road:

Ms. Panz: You do write what others have written because I’ve already read everything you have posted.
Mr. Payne: Please provide at least one link to what “others” have written that you read somewhere else and I rewrote.

Ms. Panz: In fact, if I was going to read something dealing with a moral/social issue the last person I would want to read it from is a pornographer.
Mr. Payne: And yet here you are, reading articles written by an immoral pornographer and debating him. In fact, when a pornographer feels compelled to take a stand for the truth and traditional values, that just shows how corrupt this inverted world has become. Don’t blame me, Panzy.

Ms. Panz: It is fear mongering based on false ideas and/or situations that in no way show a universal pattern.
Mr. Payne: And what is exactly that “universal pattern”, my friend?

Ms. Panz: Who is forcing a boy at age 5 to wear a dress or putting them on hormones? Who?
Mr. Payne: Let’s see, his parents, public school instructors, pediatricians, the media. I could go on, but you can get the idea.

Ms. Panz: They [child’s parents] may go along with it [switching child’s gender] at the child’s request, but not without therapy and permission from a doctor.
Mr. Payne: That was a good one Panz, I didn’t know 5 year old children were capable of making such drastic decisions that would impact them for the rest of their lives. Did you make such a decision when you were 5 years old? I hope not.

Ms. Panz: I’m sorry about gays and trannies shaking asses in your face. That does not happen to me.
Mr. Payne: What? You don’t have a TV or access to the internet at your home? Where do you live, in the Middle East, or under a rock? It’s 2015 my friend, and if you’re living in the West, you’re not safe from gay propaganda, not even in your own home.

Ms. Panz: Gay marriage is legal in all 50 states now.
Mr. Payne: If 5 old folks at the Supreme Court said so. I wonder why they didn’t put such an important social issue to the vote. Wait a minute, when was the other time when even despite people’s vote these Supreme Court guys forced their will on the public? That’s right, it was during the year 2000’s presidential elections. The American people voted for Al Gore, but the SCOUTS told them to go fuck themselves and elected George Bush Jr. because his daddy was their buddy. I’m sorry my friend, but the judicial system in America is a broken joke. Nonetheless, I’m glad for the gay people, they deserve the right to this fucked up thing called marriage like everybody else, now they too have the right to be legally miserable like heterosexual couples. Divorce attorneys love it, their profit just got doubled.

Ms. Panz: You, my friend are now the minority with your beliefs.
Mr. Payne: As long as you keep me company, I’ll never be in minority. 🙂

