Stormy Daniels Cancels Her Appearance at Goldfinger in Florida

Stormy Daniels had a scheduled appearance tonight in Sunrise, Florida at Goldfingers. Only things didn’t go so well. Although she was at the club, it seems all was not well behind the scenes.

Stormy Daniels Sunrise, Florida

This is what she took to Twitter to share with her fans.

Sorry everyone who was planning to see me at Goldfingers tonight but I will NOT be performing. The owner called my assistant a “fucking faggot” after I refused to do something not in my contract. This abuse will not be tolerated.

She took this picture outside of the club when she was leaving, giving the club one of our own gold fingers.

Anyone who has ever been on the feature dance circuit knows this kind of shit isn’t uncommon when it comes to the club manager. They always seem to be up to some sort of shenanigans.

However, unlike most feature dancers who are locked into a contract and can’t afford to walk away, Stormy Daniels can take a stand and often does when asked to do something not previously agreed upon.



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Stormy Daniels Cancels Her Appearance at Goldfinger in Florida

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