Comments on: When did it become okay to punch a girl in the stomach? The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Tue, 04 Jul 2023 09:05:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bigboutya Sun, 10 Nov 2019 16:34:06 +0000 “When did we start dissing female performers and start throwing them away like garbage?” When were they ever respcted? What am I missing?

By: mharris127 Mon, 05 Jun 2017 07:34:51 +0000 Karma, Donkey Punch was a creation of Grip and Cram Johnson. Neither make films anymore — no distributor would touch their movies after that out of line travesty of a movie. Grip (now called Nelson X) is the publicist at New Sensations (owner Scott Taylor evidently won’t let him make movies on his dime or with his crew and equipment — for good reason). Cram hasn’t been heard from in a decade and no one has publicly stated who he actually is.

As for the distributor of Grip and Cram Johnson Productions movies which was JM Productions, Jeff Mike Steward (evidently) put a stop to any future Donkey Punch movies once he realized what was actually in them (and with him being the creator of Gag Factor and producer of Violation Of, Girlvert, American Bukkake and American Gokkun that is something). Grip and Cram (likely) helped cost Jeff Mike a million plus dollars in criminal defense attorney fees when he was charged with obscenity by the Dickheads of (in)Justice and investigated by the Federal Bureau of Imbeciles (and cocksucking, overly conservative, moralistic assholes that hate porn publicly but secretly want to fuck every cute porn chickie that comes across their radar). I am a fan of some of the JM movie series but you have to admit that Jeff Mike had a high tolerance for rough scenes and Grip and Cram found Jeff Mike’s tolerance of bizarre rough sex limit. IMO Donkey Punch was just as uncalled for as Facial Abuse and Latina Abuse. Grip and Cram needed a donkey punch and a few dope slaps to the noggin back then.

By: Kelli Fri, 02 Jun 2017 04:07:40 +0000 This isn’t isolated to porn. I heard about a girl last week who was in wal-mart of all places and some creepy guy was following her and her friend around the store. She turns the corner and there he is with his cock in hand playing with himself.

By: Karmafan Thu, 01 Jun 2017 09:34:09 +0000 Same thing happened years ago on a set for a company called Donkey Punch. The scenes usually ended with the girl taking a punch to the head. One performer told the guy she was working with to NOT hit her in the head as she had some sort of a head injury or previously had brain surgery (I forget which). Sure enough the male talent smacked her in the head and the poor girl went postal and kinda had an onset meltdown (justifiably so). There are way too many Misogynistic men working in porn.
