Production Hold Lifted – Back To Work We Go!

The FSC released the following statement today about the moratorium.  The person did test positive, but they claim he had no contact with anyone inside the industry during that time.

In addition, they ask us not to even speculate who the person may be out of respect.


We can now confirm the positive test by an adult film performer on Saturday was from an exposure in their personal life during a hiatus in filming, and did not in any way compromise or affect the performer pool. The PASS system was alerted on Saturday when the performer attempted to return to work after a twenty-five-day break. No other adult performers were exposed to or contracted the virus.

The performer had last performed on-set nearly a month ago, on March 24, on the same day as they last tested negative for the full STI panel. That shoot was a toy-only shoot that did not involve any fluid exchange or other modes for viral transmission.

The performer has worked diligently with PASS medical advisors and administrators to reconstruct a viral genealogy that includes contacts in both their personal and work lives. All partners, regardless of their relationship to the adult industry, have been notified.

While none of the performer’s shoots carried a significant risk of transmission, and all fell outside the possible window of transmission, PASS protocols dictated a proactive testing of all performer partners within the last two months once a possible positive test is returned.

While the science behind the genealogy is clear, we understand that HIV transmission is an emotional issue as well. As such, we have provided free retests for the performer’s scene partners from the past two months when requested.

“While we understand that production holds are difficult for performers as well as producers, they are essential to the safety and integrity of the performer pool,’ said Eric Paul Leue, Executive Director of the Free Speech Coalition. “A production hold is the sign of a functional system protecting adult performers. The PASS system has once again successfully prevented any transmission of HIV on a regulated adult set, as it has for over ten years. We are working with the performer to get them to the resources and treatment to help manage their status and appreciate their commitment, honesty, and participation.

“We ask that everyone respect and protect the privacy of the performer and have empathy. We are working with the performer and PASS medical advisors to facilitate linkage to care and provide support.”

Barring any further developments, production hold will be lifted on Wednesday, April 19, 2017. However, the PASS database will be unlocked today, so that performers may retest in order to be cleared for work, and plan for travel and upcoming shoots.

Existing PASS tests which have not expired are still valid. Additionally, select PASS affiliated clinics, including TTS Northridge, TTS Vegas and CET Sherman Oaks, will offer extended hours today, until 6PM, in order to allow testing for performers whose tests have expired.

Eric Paul Leue
Executive Director
Free Speech Coalition

160210cookie-checkProduction Hold Lifted – Back To Work We Go!

Production Hold Lifted – Back To Work We Go!

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2 Responses

  1. “We are working with the performer to get them to the resources and treatment to help manage their status and appreciate their commitment, honesty, and participation.”

    Of course performers have no health insurance unless they pay for it themselves so this means this unfortunate person will have to turn to medicaid (or some other similar program). Whatever happened to the Union?

  2. Karma, the Obamacare act requires almost all Americans to carry health insurance or pay a fine to the government. The only exemptions are short gaps in coverage while transitioning to another insurer and if the person lives in a non-Medicaid expansion state and his/her income is less than 100% of poverty. California is a Medicaid expansion state so the only exemption that might apply is the short gap between switching insurers. With this in mind more than likely whomever tested positive for HIV should have insurance and that insurer is responsible for the bulk of this performer’s HIV medical care costs. The days of performers having to go to a charity such as AIDS Healthcare Foundation for care are virtually over (unless the Tea Party has its way later in the current Congress). If the performer was stupid enough not to carry an Obamacare or employer medical insurance policy that is on him and he will likely not receive treatment until the next Obamacare insurance enrollment period or until he qualifies for Medicaid (the income ceiling in CA for that is 138% of poverty) unless he can pay for it out of his pocket. I don’t know if AIDS Healthcare Foundation is still taking uninsured charity patients from CA now that Obamacare has taken full effect or not. As much as I hate Michael Weinstein’s attempt to run porn out of CA and the rest of the US I will give him credit where it is due, AHF has assisted many AIDS patients in obtaining and paying for their care but with the Obamacare law hopefully whomever tested positive for HIV this time won’t need to “go to the dark side” to obtain treatment for his VD.

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