My Experience with the FSC

I did some production consulting a few years back for an adult company who donates the Canoga Park office space to the Free Speech Coalition. As a result, I got to experience first hand the inner workings of the FSC.

At the time I was there, the FSC flew in a bunch of 450 pound women from around the country to train as telemarketers to solicit new memberships. One of the women was so fat that she couldn’t even walk. They flew them into L.A. and put them up in a hotel all expenses paid for a week. Your membership dollars at work.

I remember meeting the executive director at the time. Let me put it this way… She didn’t look like the type of gal who enjoyed the conversation of a man. I normally wouldn’t have taken her rudeness, but she was bigger than me and had more facial hair. I wisely stepped out of her way to avoid getting throat fucked by her detachable cock.

I watched with my own eyes as the telemarketers phoned jack shacks around the country and promised them “lifetime immunity from 2257 prosecution” as long as they joined the FSC. I later learned that a majority of the telemarketers quit as soon as they arrived back home from their free week in L.A.

21260cookie-checkMy Experience with the FSC

My Experience with the FSC

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One Response

  1. Thats exactly what im talking about, years and years and years of wasted money like that.

    its nothing but a jobs program for inept people.

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Mike South

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