Comments on: I Smell A Rat The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Tue, 04 Jul 2023 11:21:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: richard373 Tue, 21 Aug 2012 02:15:37 +0000 Hey RiccoMarin this what Diane Dukes said regarding syphilis outbreak.

Regarding Syphilis Outbreak Diane Duke Claims Performer Didn’t Cheat

Richard Abowitz writes on – The lobbying group for the adult-film industry is calling for a nationwide moratorium on shooting in the wake of a syphilis scare.

Last Thursday, the adult industry trade publication XBIZ sent shock waves through the porn world by quoting two agents announcing that the unidentified performer had tested positive for the STD and allegedly worked for weeks shooting scenes, using a doctored test.

By the following day, was reporting that the Los Angeles County Health Department was looking at a cluster of five possible syphilis cases related to the adult industry.

Over the weekend, the Free Speech Coalition (FSC), the lobbying group for the adult industry that also established porn’s STD-testing protocol and database, called for a nationwide moratorium on shooting.

While the moratorium is voluntary, it is expected that porn producers represented by the association will adhere to it. The FSC is working with doctors to determine the length of the hiatus, and to arrange for syphilis testing of performers who may have been exposed to the disease.

In the absence of more specific information, performers were left panicked, bewildered and furious—with the most damming vitriol focused on the male performer who allegedly worked with syphilis.

Typical was Kristina Rose’s reaction. The diminutive porn star sent a Tweet: “I think the next person to lie about their test should be tortured & killed. If u agree please RT.” And, close to 40 of her followers swiftly did Re-Tweet that message, including some of her industry peers.

The issue of doctored tests strikes a particularly raw nerve in the adult industry, because a performer who cheated the old system is believed to have been behind a serious HIV outbreak that infected a number of porn stars in the ’90s.

The current testing database was created last year by FSC in response to the sudden shuttering of the longtime clinic that served the adult industry, amid lawsuits and a controversy over alleged leaked medical records. The syphilis case is the first major test of FSC’s new system service, APHSS (Adult Protection Health and Safety Services).

Reached for an exclusive phone interview with The Daily Beast on Sunday night, Diane Duke, executive director of FSC, denied that the performer fabricated his tests.

“There have been a lot of rumors,” Duke says. “I would say the performer did not cheat the system. I would say other factors were at play.”

Asked to elaborate, Duke demurred for now. “More information on that is probably going to be revealed in the future,” she says. The two talent agents who made the claim about the fabricated tests in the XBIZ article did not respond to requests for interviews.

By: RiccoMarin Tue, 21 Aug 2012 01:58:00 +0000 What did he….say?

By: richard373 Tue, 21 Aug 2012 01:32:22 +0000 This was bad when frist start now going beyond stupid silly. FSC dug hole so deep over this does look gone stop untill reach China. Make very clear case of how incompetent unpared FSC is handle these type events. You think that FSC would learn buy now how handle these type event special sent happen few times now. But become painfuly clear that not case. My advice you porn indusrty fix the FSC fire Diane Duke before to late find self bury in hole Diane Duke now dug you in with rest peace tomb stone over hole.

By: RiccoMarin Tue, 21 Aug 2012 01:29:08 +0000 Time for the L.A. Media to run a Hell of a story, on the good old tele’. The would eat that LA industry alive. So what happen to the FSC news confernce anyways?. The guy got sick?
