Southwest Airlines falsely accuses a White female mother of Trafficking her 10 year old Bi Racial child

California native Mary MacCarthy in her early forties, and Mother of 10-Year-old Moria MacCarthy, who was stopped by half-cocked and pre-judgmental racial profiling, armed police officers at a Denver Colorado airport. The Law enforcement agency, the Denver Police department Human trafficking division Accused the white mother of Human trafficking an African American child.

Biological mother accused of Human trafficking her daughter

The Blundering, idiotic, and moronic South West Airlines attendances and employee’s actions, left them angry and confused, why one earth would Mary, the biological morther of the 10 year old be subjected to this insanity.

As the mother and child stepped off their flight from returing from attendance of the mother’s brother’s funeral, armed police escorted her and her daughter from their flight, they were later questioned separately.

Mary MacCarthy stated publicly the following

“It leads me to the only conclusion that someone saw a white woman with a Black girl and for them, that was enough to consider that suspicious possible human trafficking based purely on that superficial difference in skin color,” she said.

To add further insult to injury, the human tarfficking department of the Colorado Police Department, conducted a ” follow up” call as to the falsly accused mother, the inquiry was to determin and asses  the status of the victim.

Imagine the state of mind of this child and the trauma of this deputy droop along investigation ? This is an outrage, truely


709625cookie-checkSouthwest Airlines falsely accuses a White female mother of Trafficking her 10 year old Bi Racial child

Southwest Airlines falsely accuses a White female mother of Trafficking her 10 year old Bi Racial child

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