Comments on: Sara Jay Writes on her Myspace Blog The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sat, 15 Jul 2023 13:04:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Avn award show ticket Sun, 19 Dec 2010 23:34:57 +0000 […] Sara Jay Writes on her Myspace Blog « MikeSouth.Com Jan 22, 2008. The award show was even more disappointing than the convention.. I had a red carpet pass and a AVN awards ticket bbut I opted to take a Sara Jay Writes on her Myspace Blog « MikeSouth.Com […]

By: jeffnraven Tue, 29 Jan 2008 17:17:24 +0000 I just wanted to follow up on this post regarding the ton of webmasters looking for us for payment. I read the thread completely. I do not see where a ton of webmasters are looking to get paid from us. In fact it is only one webmaster located out of the United States, and we have contacted them about the missing payment. Their checks has been sent and we are waiting for their verification that they have been received. If the post is read correctly, you will see that most of the people who replied to the post were in fact paid by us, and the rest are not even affiliates. We went through a period last year where we were not able to pay because we were out of the country. We explained this to our affiliates in a follow up letter that was sent with all of the checks required to bring their accounts up to date. The reason I did not post this on GFY is because I did not want to give reason for people like Gonzo who had nothing to do with the post to attack us. Anyone who has spent time with my wife and I know that we are very honest people, and we understand that our affiliates are very important to us. As far as the My Space comments, Sara has every right to be upset, as the show has definitely gone downhill the last few years. Our opinion on AVN is that they are forgetting the very people who put them where they are today. It is evident in the fact that they book a venue that holds twice as many people, but alienates those that are not deemed worthy enough to sit on the main floor. When you work as hard as Sara does, a little recognition is very much appreciated….
Trashy Entertainment

By: gonzo Wed, 23 Jan 2008 02:21:58 +0000 Jeff and Raven from Trashy Ent. have a ton of webmaster affiliates looking for them concerning non payment on what they have earned.

Good to see that they can afford to hang out at the AVN awards with a whiney assed myspacer.

I had a red carpet pass and a AVN awards ticket bbut I opted to take a nap instead.
