I think by now you all know this is my favorite time of the year. So since tonight is the big night I thought we should look again at who will win the big award of the night.
In November we talked about this before and I calculated the winner projection was based on total nomination count in other categories however a lot has changed since that article and to be honest that has changed who I think will win it, somewhat.
I think it will be either Angela White or August Ames. With such a massive outpouring of support being shown to August Ames at this years AVN show (AEE expo), I really think it’s possible AVN might give it to her.

4 Responses
I have this friend who swears up and down that he has a formula that allows him to accurately predict the winner and that it will actually be Jill Kassidy this year and not who I said it would be. Guess we shall see in just a few hours! I should mention Jill Kassidy isn’t even nominated. LOL
Stranger things have happened but normally if someone isn’t nominated that person doesn’t win. For the record Jill Kassidy didn’t win AVN POTY, Angela White did so you were correct, Kelli.
Yeah, I read his message wrong. He said “the big award” and I was like LOL she isn’t even nominated for POTY and he’s like the big award is Best New Starlet dumbass. I was like oh well LOL I already posted it so whatevs. 😛 I was sure there was no way in hell she was going to win.