Comments on: AVN Noms Due Out Friday The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Sun, 04 Dec 2011 09:33:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: richard373 Sun, 04 Dec 2011 09:33:11 +0000 Dirty Bob like be wrong for I am not Mike South. I am glade you enjoy reading my opion here you seem like becuase you respond alot to it. Nuff said becuase I am done respond to you.

By: DWB Sat, 03 Dec 2011 09:51:20 +0000 Moved to Monday, 6am.

Because that’s when all the porn people are awake.

By: richard373 Fri, 02 Dec 2011 21:24:21 +0000 Bob do have clue have been many Avn award trade shows in person seen same Avn awards given out each year same porn companys same porn stars only support them. Simple english do not have do much earn Avn award all have do be porn company well pay Avn lots money advertise with them than well find them very willing give out there awards to that porn company porn stars work for that company. Been going off and on Avn trade shows Award show for all most 20 year so pretty much have clue what goes on there. Avn award show more like thank your party for porn companys support them buy give those companys it awards than it is realy adult award show. Work for Blazzer Wicked Vivid Video sure walk out with Avn awards with one there awards with out have work up sweat becuase they pay most to advertise to Avn. Plain simple can spin in way want Bob truth is truth well know truth only people think Avn awards show is fair balance award show happen work for Avn or support them. You do not have any imagination see facts about what goes on at Avn award show.

By: richard373 Fri, 02 Dec 2011 06:12:30 +0000 Gee amzase out 130-150 categorie of awards Avn hands out each year most awards still go same porn company support Avn or same porn actors that support them well. You all most do not have go Avn awards show any more to know who gone get Avn award becuase they give same award out same group people gave awards to year before. You do not need be math major know there lots porn companys left out Avn awards show becuase they do not support Avn or Brazzer who owen them. There lots porn stars do not attend Avn awards show becuase they know gone bet left out getting Avn award. Infact if female porn star want Avn award easyiest way get one from e-bay frist thing retire porn stars sell when they move on from porn.

By: mharris127 Thu, 01 Dec 2011 20:32:31 +0000 I would bet dollars to doughnuts that most of the nominees are advertisers in AVN magazine and the AVN website or are sponsors of the awards. I can’t prove it but there is one hell of a conflict of interest in both collecting advertising dollars from porn companies and controlling the “premier” porn film awards show, biases have to creep in (whether intended or accidental).

By: richard373 Wed, 30 Nov 2011 22:35:42 +0000 I bet dallors dunuts all most all girls get Avn awards this year all work for Brazzer get awards for working for them. After all one must not forget Avn owen buy Brazzer.
