Comments on: Naive Teen Skylar Valentine Meets Her Prison Pen Pal at DickDrainers The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Mon, 20 Jun 2022 21:17:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: mharris127 Tue, 19 May 2020 22:02:09 +0000 What is it with midgets overdoing the tattoo thing? Bridget the Midget tatted herself up badly about 10 years ago, now this chick comes in with a skank job. I am sure this scene would have worked much better if Skylar would not have had the tattoos. Without them she would look sweet, innocent and probably nubile. As it is, Branden the (roleplay — as far as I know Branden doesn’t have a record although I haven’t really checked into it) recently released prison inmate was just fucking what appeared to be another “graduate” of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Skylar’s skank job cost her at least $250K in lost roles, there is a real need for a clean looking midget (at four foot seven she qualifies as a midget) chick here since Bridget the Midget fucked herself up but this chick isn’t it and she could have been if she wasn’t tatted up like a gang member. Branden, I am sorry you are getting stuck with overly tattooed chicks for your site. This industry does have some chicks that even if tattooed don’t have so many that they look like prison alumni. Many will even do interracial (and Mark Spiegler’s girls don’t charge extra for it, he usually has all kinds of girls on his roster although you will have to prove to him that you aren’t a danger or a whack job like Max Hardcore before he will do business with you). You deserve kudos for even getting it up to many of the chicks that get sent to you, if you ever decide to branch out as male talent for other producers I think you have proven that you can get and keep it up to almost anything with a pussy.
