British porn star fears for health as local medical practice repeatedly cancels smear test

Greater London Urban Area, England — A Chestnut adult performer fears for her health after yet another smear test was cancelled by a troubled clinic and has called for its closure.

Single mom Kelly Belsey claims she has had four appointments dropped since February without explanation from Stockwell Lodge Medical Centre, which faces closure after a critical inspection.

British porn star fears for health as local medical practice repeatedly cancels smear test
Stockwell Lodge Medical Centre: Fancy.


For work, Kelly, who had her son at 16, must undergo health checks every 28 days, but has not had a smear test in nearly four years and feels vulnerable, given her line of work.

Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspectors visited in January this year and judged the centre has not improved enough after it was placed in special measures in May last year.

Kelly, 27, said she wasn’t surprised to see the CQC was particularly critical of the GP’s “inadequate” responsiveness, namely its service in setting appointments.

Cervical cancer mainly affects sexually active women between 30 and 45 and women of Kelly’s age should be tested every three years.

Last weekend, Kelly flew to Spain for work and received a call from the clinic on Friday, offering an appointment the next day.

She criticized the clinic’s “lack of sympathy” for her illness after she told them she has gastroenteritis and for not offering any other date.

“I always go back to Jade Goody, she was 28 when she died and I will be 28 in September,” she said.


CQC inspectors rated the centre as inadequate after a visit on May 18 last year and laid down a period of special measures for six months.

An inspection on August 3 found enough progress was made in target areas but a follow-up visit on January 18 this year raised concerns over the practice’s responsiveness, also deemed inadequate.

“The [clinic] is aware that I am at high risk due to my job, me having a child and also my mum had cells in her early 30s and had to have laser treatment.

“I don’t think [they] should … be allowed to stay open and running.”

The CQC report also noted just 17 per cent of patients felt they could easily get through to the medical centre by phone, according to the July 2017 annual national GP patient survey.

The national average is 71 per cent.

ht: Hertfordshire Mercury / Essex Live

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British porn star fears for health as local medical practice repeatedly cancels smear test

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