Monique Alexander Does a PSA About Sex Education @moniquealexande

Former Vivid Girl Monique Alexander recently did a public service announcement on the importance of parents talking to their kids about sex. The video has been shared over 1.5 million times.

I’m surprised more people aren’t talking about this. It’s pretty cool.


Update: Monique Alexander tweeted this the other day about the video —– “I’m grateful that hate for me & my industry has caused this video to be viewed a million times! Education is key and I’m happy being your punching bag. At least I’m speaking the truth“.


466970cookie-checkMonique Alexander Does a PSA About Sex Education @moniquealexande

Monique Alexander Does a PSA About Sex Education @moniquealexande

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One Response

  1. You hit the nail on the head with that one Sekhmet, that should have been talked about more. That’s a message that we all have cross our minds, but it seems like it’s in no business’ to pay money to generate. It’s good, and it’s cheeky at the same time. Well done, Ms. Alexander.

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